St. mary’s Convent, Maharagama

Main Apostolates:

  • Visiting the Cancer Hospital

This is one of the special and main apostolate  at Maharagama. Sisters visit the cancer hospital regularly on Sundays and Mondays help the parishioner to distribute tea for the OPD patients. Sees to the spiritual needs of the patients, distributes Communion to the Catholic patients and pray over them. Sisters give their best to make them feel happy, loved and cared for.  The community also sees to their material needs providing nutritious food and cash for their medicine and travel for the poor patients with the funds from the Parish Priest.

Parish Apostolate : (Teaching Catechism, Adult Catechism ,  In charge of the  Legion of Mary)

Institution run by the convent:

  • The Apostolic Carmel school for the under privileged

The school was started by Sr. Pierre A.C  in 1985. Sponsored by “Aubovan” foundation of Holland. Sr.Preethi A.C is in charge of the school At present. Most of the children are of single parents with low income. There are 77 children in the school. There are classes from grade 6 – 11.

  • The Boarding House for the under privileged

The Boarding House was started in 1987. The boarders are from the broken families. Most of them are single parent children. They are from low income groups. There are 48 boarders in the Boarding house.  A keen interest is taken in each one, feeding them and taking care of their material and Spiritual needs.

  • Mary’s Hostel