The Congregation of the
Apostolic Carmel
Sri Lanka

We serve Joyfully following the footsteps of our Foundress Mother Veronica..

Inculcating the values
of the Kingdom

What we Are

What we are is an overflow of our intimacy with the Divine. We seek to experience the All sufficing love of God as our first priority. Impelled by His love, we reach out to others, to share our uniquely treasured experience of God through various ministries.

We are Carmelites who contemplate the Divine within. And we are Apostolic, for our contemplative lives bring forth the light of the mission burning out our lives in the oil of the Divine love, for the glory of God.

Seeking the Divine..

in Prayer

in Joyful Communion

Among People

Our Legacy

Legacy is a gift from the past that helps create a better future. Legacy of the Apostolic Carmel is that gift
our foundress Mother Veronica handed down to her daughters, passed on for 150 years, a way to experience the All Sufficing
Love of God and to share that love with all through education and other works of love.

We are Apostolic Carmel Sisters of Sri Lanka Province. We launch this website to introduce to you who we are, who is our foundress, Our Charism, our Motto and our way of life. Also, how we reach out to you through our Mission. We wish to tell you about our own sisters, our Apostolic Carmel Associates, Carmel Blossoms, our staff, students and their loved ones. We like share with you how our past pupils serve Humanity globally.
We Welcome your valuable suggestions and comments
May the Mother of Carmel guide you and lead you to Jesus and may Jesus the only one who loves you and me unconditionally be our source of Joy always.

Rev. Sr. Nilanthi A.C.[ Provincial Superior ]

Our Strength









God's Elect

“Blessed is the one who come in the name of the Lord.” Believing that all authority comes from God, the Apostolic Carmelites accept in a spirit of faith the leadership of the sisters elected every three years. The Province of Sri Lanka is led by the Provincial, and her team which consists of four councilors to help in the administration of the Province, and the Provincial Bursar, to handle the financial affairs of the province.

Our Inspirations(Provincials of the past)

Mother Innocence A.C.

Referee: 1943 -1948
Delegate of the Superior General 1954 -1960

Sr. M. Leila AC.

Referee: 1948 – 1953

Mother Ruth A.C.

Delegate of the Superior General : 1960 – 1966
Regional Superior : 1966 – 1967

Mother Euphemia A.C.

Regional Superior: 1967 – 1968

Sr. M. Maude AC.

Regional Superior: 1969 – 1971
Pro-Provincial Superior: 1971 – 1974
Provincial Superior: 1983 – 1989

Sr. M. Innocentia AC.

1st Provincial Superior: 1974 – 1980

Sr. M. Inisia AC.

Provincial Superior: 1980 – 1983

Sr. M. Cinthia AC.

Provincial Superior: 1989 – 1995

Sr. M. Dilecta AC.

Provincial Superior: 1995 - 2001

Sr. M. Sunitha AC.

Provincial Superior: 2001 - 2007
Provincial Superior: 2013 - 2016

Sr. M. Carmella A.C.

Provincial Superior: 2007 - 2013

Sr. M. Rubika AC.

Provincial Superior: 2016 - 2019

Our Shepherdesses(Provincial and the team)

Rev. Sr. Nilanthi A.C.[ Provincial Superior ]

Rev. Sr. Sunitha A.C.[ 1st Councillor ]

Rev. Sr. Thusika A.C.[ 2nd Councillor ]

Rev. Sr. Nimalka A.C.[ 3rd Councillor ]

Rev. Sr. Pradeepa A.C.[ 4th Councillor ]

Rev. Sr. Nimalapriya A.C.[ Provincial Secretary ]

Rev. Sr. Chrishmila A.C.[ Provincial Bursar ]

Our Homes

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” Lk. 18: 29-30
When we left our homes to follow Jesus in the A.C. Way of life we did not receive one home, but40 homes in Sri Lanka as well as in Pakistan.


Our Mission

Touched by the Divine, Reach out to all with Compassion

Apostolate of Education

God Calls

Jesus looked around and saw them following.
“What do you want?”
He asked them.
They replied,
“Rabbi where do you stay?”
He said,
“Come and See”

There are four years of intense preparation before one starts living the A.C. Way of life, which is called Initial Formation. After the Initial Formation, the Apostolic Carmel habit is offered to those who desire to follow this way of life further. Once, joined to the A.C. Family, there are five more years of preparations before the final commitment. And then we become fully-fledged Apostolic Carmel sisters in the loving family of A.C.

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