
Intense preparations of the religious life begins with postulants initiation to the Novitiate. This is a period of two years where the novices spend time secluded willingly from the rest of the world in prayer and mortification. This is also a period of concentrated discernment. Novices are helped to discern if they truly desire to follow Jesus in the A.C. Way of life and if this choice is taken willingly.

The first year of the novitiate is called the canonical year and during this year, the novices keep to the novitiate. In their second year, they were sent out to experience community life and mission of the Apostolic Carmelites. After two years of prayer, preparations and discernment, they are give the religious habit at the ceremony called ‘First Profession’. Here they take the vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience for one year.